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Q: When will I receive my order?

A: Items will be shipped within 2 business days after the order is received. Your order should arrive 2-7 business days after the items have shipped. You will receive tracking info in your account email after items have shipped. On some, but very rare, occasions items may take up to 3 weeks to arrive. You will be notified for items that may take longer than expected to arrive.

Q: Where do you ship to?

A: We are currently only accepting orders based in the United States, but we are in the process of expanding into international markets! 


Q: When can I cancel my order?

A: All orders can be canceled, and refunded, as long as the order has not been shipped. Any order that has shipped, or is in the process of being shipped (ie: items on loading dock), will be subject to a 15% re-stock and return freight fee.

Q: What qualifies as a valid reason for returning an item?

A: Items can be returned if items are damaged during delivery, an incorrect item was delivered, the item was not as described, or an item has a manufactured malfunction within 30 days of receiving the item. Items that were bought on sale cannot be refunded for Buyer's Remorse reasons.

Q: I've received an item I no longer want, what do I do?

A: Send an email to and state your reason for return. Buyer's Remorse returns must be in the same packaging and must be in re-sellable condition within 30 days of receiving the order. Buyer's Remorse returns will be subject to a 15% re-stocking fee and return shipping must be paid for by the customer. Refunds will be given once the item is received by the supplier and is deemed in good condition.